Exfoliation plays a critical process in skin rejuvenation and the maintenance of a healthy skin. Regular professional exfoliation can help improve skin appearance, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, smooth the texture of the skin and promote an even tone and color. Exfoliation is also one of the primary means to improve the absorption of amino peptides, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. After the skin is exfoliated, newly surfaced cells are more susceptible to sun burn and damage, that is way daily sun protection is vital to help maintain the anti-aging benefits and to avoid skin damage.
Exfoliation can be classified as mechanical or chemical and measured by the levels of exfoliation they may achieve. A typical example of a mechanical exfoliation is microdermabrasion because it require the use of a tool or product in motion to remove layers of skin, and the depth of the exfoliation can vary greatly from one tool to another. An exfoliation by a peel solution, or chemical exfoliation, can vary in strength and PH to deliver different skin benefits. For example dry skin can benefit from a Lactic peel and sun damage skin can receive accelerated benefits from a combination of a TCA peel or a Jessner solution.
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